In karate the main objective is Todome (finishing blow technique), to achieve Todome means that the whole body has to cooperate to one line of energy and deliver the total energy in the shortest instant. The use of external force is crucial since without external force the body center of mass cannot increase energy.
Therefore, stance is most fundamental to karate technique, it allows us to maximize ground reaction force, and optimal interaction between momentum, gravity and ground reaction forces.
A stance should be functional and allow us to maximize ground reaction, unfortunately, because of competition, many participants tend to focus on esthetics rather than function.
Other reason for those stances is that a lot of our training is against the air without feedback and one can feel strong even when it is not.
Training against air is beneficial but we must also have feedback to confirm that we are effective and not just looking good.
Below are some guidelines to proper stance:
- You can keep the sacrum vertical to floor, which means keeping the posture, pelvis alignment and connection between legs and body center. If connection between legs and body center is lost, and energy cannot transfer from legs to torso, the stance loses its purpose.
- The stance is as deep and wide as possible without losing the range of motion of body dynamics. The stance should support hips action and not limit it.
- Stance as wide and deep without lost of elasticity, and connection between the legs, the inner thighs should be drawing to each other.
- If interaction between the legs is lost, energy cannot be transferred from legs to torso and potential energy is lost.
- Conditioning the body through the full range (likewise you will do squats in the gym to the full range, you wouldn’t do baby squats, you want to strengthen muscles and keep their function to full range).
- Easy to teach the nervous system proper patterns and coordination through big action.
- The big include the small but not vice versa, which means that if we can coordinate, connect the kinetic chain and produce force in big action, we eventually will be able to do so in any range within that big range, but if we practice small movement, our nervous system will not know how to coordinate in bigger ranges.
- Train the body to be resilient to injuries, most injuries in sports happen at end ranges and not mid ranges.